May Wrap Up - Creative Widgets and Funnel Charts

We couldn't end the month on the right note without bringing you some awesomeness. This month, our goal is to streamline how you make sense of your raw data with new visualization features. Here's a sneak peek.
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May Wrap Up - Creative Widgets and Funnel Charts

We couldn't end the month on the right note without bringing you some awesomeness. This month, our goal is to streamline how you make sense of your raw data with new visualization features. Here's a sneak peek.

We couldn't end the month on the right note without bringing you some awesomeness. This month, our goal is to streamline how you make sense of your raw data with new visualization features.

Here's a sneak peek:

Creative Widgets

With creative widgets, you get to create the most granular cross-platform reports.

Drag and drop creatives, select the metrics you want to display in your creative cards, and get insights for the five best and worst performing creatives across your advertising channels.

Funnel Charts

No need to introduce the tried and true Funnel charts, one of the most insightful data visualization tools for identifying bottlenecks.

Prop them open on your dashboards and customize the metrics of your acquisition funnels to get all the insights you need to see how your prospects move from discovery to sales and where they’re falling out in the process.

More to Follow

Consider this update as a primer for what’s to come. We’re making final touches on something big and can’t wait to share the completed product with you soon.

In the meantime, follow on Instagram and @AdrielMarketing on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with everything Adriel.

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